Managing Tax Assessment Procedures | נמרוד ירון ושות׳ מיסוי בינלאומי ומיסוי ישראלי Thu, 16 Jan 2025 14:37:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Managing Tax Assessment Procedures | נמרוד ירון ושות׳ 32 32 Tax Consequences of a Foreign Resident Returning to Israel for Reserves Thu, 16 Jan 2025 14:36:03 +0000 On October 7, 2023, the “Operation Iron Swords” war broke out. The war is currently still going on without an end date, according to the IDF and home front command. As a result of the war, many Israeli citizens residing abroad have returned to Israel under emergency orders such as ” Tzav 8″ (emergency summons) […]

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On October 7, 2023, the “Operation Iron Swords” war broke out. The war is currently still going on without an end date, according to the IDF and home front command. As a result of the war, many Israeli citizens residing abroad have returned to Israel under emergency orders such as ” Tzav 8″ (emergency summons) or for regular mandatory military service.

The Israeli Tax Authority has enacted special regulations allowing individuals to maintain their non-resident tax status, even if they exceed the usual time spent in Israel or don’t meet all standard criteria. Furthermore, all those who have returned under “Tzav 8”, will receive an extension for their declaration, allowing them to declare at a later date that these days should not be counted towards residency for Israeli tax purposes.

How is an Individuals Tax Residency Determined?

To determine whether an individual is a resident of Israel or to terminate one’s residency, the location of their “center of life” must be examined. In accordance with section 1(2) of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance (referred to as ‘the Ordinance’), various tests are applied. A detailed explanation of these tests can be found here.

In some cases, when a resident relocates to a country with lower tax rates than those in Israel or where specific tax benefits are offered, they may prefer to terminate their residency in Israel and be classified as a non-resident for tax purposes.  

How Can an Individual Maintain a Non-Residency Status Despite Extended Stays in Israel?

As mentioned, the tests for determining the “center of life” are outlined in the Ordinance and case law (previous precedents). However, in addition to these tests, there are Income Tax Regulations (determination of individuals considered as residents of Israel and determination of individuals not considered residents of Israel) that expand on the criteria for determining individuals as foreign residents.

Included in these regulations is section 3(3) which states that an individual who came to Israel for military service in the IDF may be considered a non-resident, provided they request not to be classified as an Israeli resident.

An explanation of full regulations can be found here.  

An individual who came to Israel for military service in the IDF will be considered a non-resident until the end of their military service, provided the following three conditions are met:

  1. The individual is not a new immigrant (oleh chadash).
  2. The individual was a non-resident during the five years preceding the tax year.
  3. The individual requested not to be classified as an Israeli resident.

These conditions are considered definitive, however, due to the war, the Israeli Tax Authority recently announced a relief on this matter under section 8 of the Reserve Service Law (Tzav 8). Among other measures, the relief allows for a more lenient interpretation of the conditions, granting an individual to be classified as a non-resident even if they previously immigrated to Israel less than five years ago. In addition, individuals wishing to apply to this regulation may submit their request to the Tax Authority at a later date.

In other words, the unique circumstances of the wartime situation will be considered if the number of days spent in Israel exceeds the limit allowed for a foreign resident.

Our firm specializes in tax laws and tax reporting for returning residents, including tax regulation changes due to the current security situation. To speak to a representative from our office, click here.                  

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Income Tax Regulations (Determining Individuals Considered as Residents of Israel and Determining Individuals Not Considered as Residents of Israel) Thu, 26 Dec 2024 14:39:39 +0000 An individual will be considered an Israeli resident or foreign resident as defined in section 1(2) of the Income Tax Ordinance (hereinafter the Ordinance), which is determined through various conditions that decide the individuals center of life. The regulations detailed below expand on the guidelines for establishing foreign residency or classifying an individual as a […]

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An individual will be considered an Israeli resident or foreign resident as defined in section 1(2) of the Income Tax Ordinance (hereinafter the Ordinance), which is determined through various conditions that decide the individuals center of life. The regulations detailed below expand on the guidelines for establishing foreign residency or classifying an individual as a resident of Israel for tax purposes.


  • The definitions of “foreign athlete” and “foreign journalist” are found in section 75a of the Ordinance.
  • The definition of “new immigrant” can be found in section 35(d) of the Ordinance.
  • The term “military service” refers to any type of military service, including soldiers in military career service (‘Kevah’ in Hebrew) (i.e. active mandatory service or reserve service).

Cases in which an Individual is Considered a Resident of Israel

Even someone who is not defined as a resident by the terms in section 1(2) of the Ordinance, can be considered as one if the following conditions apply:

  1. The individual is a government employee, provided they began their employment as a government employee while being a resident of Israel; (it is important to note that the regulation does not address residency status of the spouse of a government employee.)
  2. The individual is employed by one of in one of the following, listed in section 19(a)(4) of the Ordinance:
  • A local authority in Israel
  • The Jewish Agency in Israel
  • The Jewish National Fund (JNF)
  • Karen Hayesod (United Israel Appeal)
  • A government owned company
  • A state authority or corporation established by law

This applies only if the individual began their employment at one of the employers listed above while still a resident in Israel, and no more than five years has passed since the start of their employment. Therefore, in certain cases we help ensure that an individual terminates their residency status before the start of their employment!

Cases in Which an Individual Will Be Considered a Foreign Resident

An individual deemed a resident under sections 1(a)(1) and 1(a)(2) of the Ordinance, will be considered a foreign resident if they meet one of the following criteria:

  1. A diplomat or consul of a foreign military, along with their spouse and children residing with them.
  2. A soldier in a foreign army or someone servicing in a UN mission.
  3. An individual who came to Israel for military service in the IDF (mandatory service or reserve service, excluding military career service), until the end of their service, provided they have submitted a request to be considered a foreign resident.
  4. A student that comes for their studies, provided they submit a request to be considered a foreign resident, this status is only granted for the first three years of their stay in Israel.
  5. An individual who comes to Israel as a teacher, lecturer, or researcher at an educational institution, this status is only granted for the first three years of their stay in Israel.
  6. A religious leader coming to Israel to serve in a religious role, this status is only granted for the first three years of their stay in Israel.
  7. An individual hospitalized in a hospital or rehabilitation institution, where the hospitalization period results in a prolonged stay in Israel.
  8. A foreign journalist or foreign athlete, as defined above, this status is only granted for the first three years of their stay in Israel.

As can be seen, there are few cases where, despite the relatively straight-forward definitions in the Ordinance, it is necessary to further asses if an individual is a resident of Israel or a foreign resident.

For an assessment of specific cases, you can contact our firm here.

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Appeal Against a Tax Order Wed, 20 Nov 2024 17:13:21 +0000 Assessment Discussions- Appeal against an Order If an article about appealing a tax order is relevant to you – you’re likely in the midst of a tax dispute with the Tax Authority following a best judgement assessment or additional conversations with an inspector.   This stage, also known as the end of stage B, before […]

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Assessment Discussions- Appeal against an Order

If an article about appealing a tax order is relevant to you – you’re likely in the midst of a tax dispute with the Tax Authority following a best judgement assessment or additional conversations with an inspector.  

This stage, also known as the end of stage B, before submitting an appeal against the order, is crucial, since it moves the case from the assessor (equivalent to the authority of a magistrate judge) to the Israeli district court. The difference between the two, legally are substantial -the assessor has the authority and interest to compromise, whereas the courts’ role is to judge and deliver a definite decision between what is right and what is wrong. Such a ruling will usually be dichotomous and include interests, linkage differentials, court costs, and fines such as a penalty fine.

Assessment Discussions with the Tax Assessor

Every tax payer is entitled to two separate assessment stages in which an income tax assessor (which reports to the tax department head) will examine the case. If the assessment discussions at stage B fail to bring an agreement between the two sides, the assessor will issue a best judgment assessment by order and any appeal against this assessment will be heard in the district court and considered an as an objection of the order. A taxpayer who feels disadvantaged by the assessor’s decision according to Section 152(b) (i.e. assessment by order) has the right to appeal the decision to the district court. If an appeal is submitted, the taxpayer must pay the undisputed tax balance within 15 days.

Filing in the District Court

According to the law, the appellant must submit a notice of to the district court within 30 days of receiving the assessment order from the assessor. The assessor must then file a statement of reasons for the assessment and its calculation within 3o days of the notice of submission appeal.

When challenging an appeal for an excessive assessment, the burden of proof rests with the appellant. If the appellant maintained proper records and the appeal involves unqualified records, the situation can change. If when these records have been audited by an accountant—whose opinion was either without reservations or with reservations deemed irrelevant to their admissibility by the court—the tax assessor or tax director is required to justify their decision.

The court has the authority to approve, reduce, increase, or cancel the assessment in full or to rule on the appeal according to what they deem appropriate. A notice regarding the taxable income and the amount the tax appellant must pay will be delivered to both parties. The decision of the District Court – according to Section 156 – may be appealed to the Supreme Court, acting as the Court of Civil Appeals.

At the stage of drafting the appeal, it is mandatory to involve a lawyer who will represent the company or taxpayer in the District Court. All claims not included in the appeal may be refused consideration by the prosecution. At this stage, it’s advised to carefully consider the implications of filing the appeal and establish a strategy for resolving the case. (Whether it be informally with the tax assessor or after a preliminary hearing, etc.)

As with any court case, the judges background and views on income tax issues are of high importance. Part of the preparation for the hearing at this stage involves a careful selection of arguments, order of arguments, preliminary motions, alternative claims, and so on.

Our firm has significant experience in reaching an agreement with the Tax Authority, even in cases that are already in the court. Beyond income tax officials we have expertise in discussions with the Taxation and Economic Prosecution in the relevant district.

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Tax on Rental Income Wed, 20 Nov 2024 17:03:42 +0000 Tax Implications of Rental Income: Passive Rent, Business Rent, and Overseas Rent This article discusses taxation on residential rental income in Israel. For information on taxation of rental properties abroad, please refer to our International Real Estate Taxation page. Although taxation on rental income is relatively straightforward, a precise understanding of all legal provisions, regulations, […]

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Tax Implications of Rental Income: Passive Rent, Business Rent, and Overseas Rent

This article discusses taxation on residential rental income in Israel. For information on taxation of rental properties abroad, please refer to our International Real Estate Taxation page. Although taxation on rental income is relatively straightforward, a precise understanding of all legal provisions, regulations, and execution directions is required to achieve minimum taxation.

Our firm has extensive experience advising on income from property rentals in Israel. We provide guidance and support in managing voluntary disclosure processes for income from residential rental properties and calculating available tax reliefs. As well, we offer opinions on whether income is considered as active or passive.

Residential Rental Tracks in Israel

Several options exist for taxing residential rental. The following tracks apply to rental income not classified as a business income.

  1. Tax exemption track under the Income Tax Law (exemption from tax on residential rental income), Tax Amendment Year 1990. If all rental properties are exclusively designated for residential use, as clearly stated in the rental agreements, and are neither registered nor required to be recorded in the owner’s business accounts, the rental income will be tax-exempt, provided the total monthly income does not exceed the annually updated exemption threshold. The updated exemption ceiling for 2022 is 5196 NIS. Any rental income (for residential use!) below this ceiling is not required to be taxed or to be reported to the tax authority. The ceiling increased from 5070 NIS in 2021 from 5100 NIS in 2020 and is updated annually. It’s important to note that the exemption is calculated monthly, and so, if the income exceeds the ceiling in any given month, it is mandatory to submit the tax report and pay the income tax on the specific month(s) of rental income.
  1. Partial tax exemption track under the Income Tax Law (exemption from tax on residential rental income), Tax Amendment Year 1990. If the total rental income exceeds the exemption ceiling from the first track but is less than double the ceiling, the partial exemption track may be applied.

The calculation for the partial income track:

It’s important to note that the first tax bracket is 31% for passive income from rental payments, except for landlords who reached age sixty during the tax year. For these landlords the first tax bracket is 10%. Ongoing expenses, such as repairs, and attorney fees related to the rent, may be deducted from the rental income proportionately between the taxable amount and the full rental payments. Under the partial exemption track, a depreciation rate of 2% of the purchase cost of the rented structure, excluding the land value, is not deductible. (That is, 2% of 2/3 of the property’s value) according to the “Income Tax Regulations (Depreciation Rate for Residential Rental Property), 1989.”

To calculate; first, this exemption limit amount is subtracted from the total rental income. The difference is then subtracted from the exemption limit, and the resulting amount becomes the exempt amount. The exempt income calculated is then subtracted from the rental income, resulting in the taxable income. This taxable income is subject to marginal tax according to the applicable tax bracket.

  1. Tax brackets track-marginal tax. The tax rate on rental income will correspond to the landlord’s marginal tax rate for all income sources and will not be less than 31%. An exception is made for landlords over age 60. In this track, complete deduction of all expenses associated with the rental and depreciation on the property is allowed.
  1. 10% tax rate track according to Section 122(a) of the Income Tax Ordinance. Under this track, a reduced tax rate of 10% may be applied for income from renting out a residential property in Israel. However, this is on the condition that the property is used solely for residential purposes and not business. Although this track offers a lower tax rate compared to the marginal tax rate, it does not allow for the deduction of expenses or depreciation. Therefore, this track is only preferable when there are minimal expenses and the marginal tax rate is high. The tax must be paid no later than 30 days after the end of the tax year in which the rental income was received, otherwise interest and linkage will be added. The tax can be paid using the form; “Request for Payment of Tax on Income from Residential Rental.”  

Tax on Rental Income-Combining Tax Tracks

Selecting a separate tax track for each rental property is allowed (for example: using the partial exemption track for one property and the 10% tax rate track for another). However, the full tax exemption case cannot be selected for a single property. Our experience indicates that, in many cases, choosing a separate track for each property (a legally permitted one) can lead to significant tax savings.

It is also essential to consider the issue of National Insurance contributions on rental income.

Choosing between reporting tracks and tax payment options involves various additional considerations. For example, implications from National Insurance, health status (i.e. disability), pensions, etc. It is recommended to schedule a consultation with a tax expert for professional assistance in making these decisions.

Withholding Tax Income

Withholding tax is a prepayment of tax deducted by the payer (e.g., a tenant) from the taxpayer’s income before transferring the remaining amount to the taxpayer. When a tenant pays rent for property used to generate income, such as a store or apartment, the tenant must withhold tax at a rate of 35%. If the landlord provides special confirmation of having an exemption for a different rate, the withholding rate will be adjusted accordingly. This requirement is based on the Income Tax Regulations (Withholding from Rental Payments), 1998.

The tenant must note the total payment, withholding rate, amount at the source, and net payment amount on a paystub or check. The tenant may recognize the rental payment as an expense only if tax was withheld.

In the case that an individual works from the property, but its primary use is residential, it is possible to argue that withholding tax does not apply for most of the rental payment. When the landlord is not registered for VAT, the tenant must issue a self-invoice for the rental payment. The tenant is then obligated to open a withholding tax file and report the rental payment and withheld tax.

Impact of Rental Income Classification on Capital Gain Tax Exemption

Capital gains tax exemptions under Section 49 of the Real Estate Taxation Law, including the single apartment exemption, apply to a residential apartment classified as a “qualified residential apartment.” 

One of the conditions for classifying an apartment as such, is predominantly residential use 80% at the time, or the four years preceding the sale. Accordingly, if the apartment is rented for business purposes, resulting in the majority of its use being non-residential, the exemption will not apply. The question is, what happens in cases where the apartment was partially used for resident and partially as an office? The answer is that, if less than 50% of the area was used for office purposes, then the apartment will qualify for the exemption.

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Deficiency Penalty Tue, 04 Jun 2024 08:12:20 +0000 Sanction for Tax Deficiency – Deficiency Penalty Filing a low tax return with the tax authority can lead to a sanction that makes the attempt

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Sanction for Tax Deficiency – Deficiency Penalty

Filing a low tax return with the tax authority can lead to a sanction that makes the attempt to save on taxes not worthwhile, emphasizing the importance of legitimate tax planning. Section 191 of the Income Tax Ordinance grants the tax assessor the authority to impose a penalty on the tax deficiency in cases where the tax amount owed by the taxpayer exceeds the declared amount by 50%.

Calculation of the Penalty:

  • 15% Penalty: If the taxpayer does not satisfy the tax assessor that the deficiency was not due to negligence, the penalty will be 15% of the total deficiency.
  • 30% Penalty: If the assessor or their representative has reasonable grounds to believe that the deficiency was due to an intention to evade tax, the penalty will be doubled to 30% of the total deficiency.
  • 30% Penalty in Special Cases: If the deficiency exceeds 500,000 ILS per year and constitutes more than 50% of the taxpayer’s total tax liability, a 30% penalty will be imposed under the following conditions:
  • Failure to report an action required to be reported under Section 131(z) of the Ordinance.
  • Acting contrary to a specific and reasoned tax ruling received in the three years preceding the tax return year, without reporting it on a dedicated form.
  • Undisclosed tax planning determined in a final assessment to be an artificial or fictitious transaction.
  • Failure to report an opinion that requires reporting.
  • Failure to report as required on a position that requires reporting.

The section also states that the penalty is treated as an assessment, meaning the tax assessor must specify the penalty amount and allow the taxpayer to appeal the decision. If an indictment is filed against the taxpayer for any of the above reasons, they will not be additionally liable for the deficiency penalty for the same reason. If the taxpayer has already paid the deficiency penalty, the amount paid will be refunded (with interest and linkage differences).

In recent years, the tax authority has increasingly used deficiency penalties. On July 12, 2023, a ruling was issued in the case of Yayinot Bitan. According to the standards for imposing a deficiency penalty, it was ruled that Yayinot Bitan was negligent in preparing the reports submitted to the tax authority. The court determined that in assessing negligence, one must consider the overall picture as reflected in the taxpayer’s reports, noting any defects and placing the burden of proof for non-negligence on the taxpayer.

The court distinguishes between defects arising from a legitimate position held in good faith, even if contrary to the tax authority’s position, and defects resulting from lack of attention, inadequate diligence in reporting, or failure to conduct necessary inquiries. The application of these standards led to the conclusion that the appellant’s conduct justified the imposition of a deficiency penalty due to their negligence. Moreover, the conduct suggested a deliberate attempt to present a false factual representation to justify their taxable income report and reduce their tax liability.

The Supreme Court upheld the lower court’s ruling, where the district court extensively reviewed the grounds for the tax assessor’s authority to impose a deficiency penalty.

“The purpose of the deficiency penalty set forth in Section 191 of the Ordinance is to create an incentive to submit a complete report detailing all income and complying with the provisions of the Ordinance… primarily because the assessment is based primarily on the taxpayer’s reports, and in most cases, the submitted report is the final assessment upon which the tax is paid.”

Over the years, the courts have adopted the tests established in earlier rulings. The court has ruled that a deficiency penalty will be imposed if the following criteria are met:
  • The taxpayer fails to provide satisfactory evidence or explanation for the deficiencies found in their reports, and the cumulative weight of the deficiencies is significant.
  • The manner of reporting presents a picture of deficiencies indicating a lack of proper attention, even if some of the taxpayer’s claims are accepted by the court.

In this ruling, the court noted that the non-invalidation of books does not imply that the taxpayer was not negligent. In the case of Yayinot Bitan, mentioned earlier, the Supreme Court ruled that holding a different position from that of the tax authority is legitimate and, if done in good faith, does not constitute negligence.

“In my opinion, as long as the matter has not been clearly resolved in case law or by the legislature, or there is another uncertainty regarding the application of the law, it is legitimate for the taxpayer to hold a different position from that of the tax assessor. There is no reason to determine that the taxpayer was negligent merely because their position was not accepted.”

The additional argument made by Yayinot Bitan in its Supreme Court case was that the imposition of the deficiency penalty was illegal because the tax assessor did not adhere to the procedural rules required for an assessment process, which impaired the assessor’s judgment that must be exercised according to the grounds set out in Section 191. As a result, Yayinot Bitan argued that their right to appeal was denied, and the tax assessor “skipped” the dispute stage – an appeal discussed before the tax authority, which is an additional step before appealing to the court.

The Supreme Court addressed this argument and determined that no defect justified the cancellation of the deficiency penalty, as the right to appeal was satisfied by the parties’ discussion in court. “The picture emerging from the proceedings in the district court is that the tax assessor’s conduct in this case indeed raises significant difficulty… It seems appropriate to clarify that generally, after informing the taxpayer that a deficiency penalty will be imposed, there is no reason to delay the decision regarding the penalty amount until the outcome of a tax appeal that may be filed.”

“The picture emerging from the proceedings in the district court is that the tax assessor’s conduct in this case indeed raises significant difficulty… It seems appropriate to clarify that generally, after informing the taxpayer that a deficiency penalty will be imposed, there is no reason to delay the decision regarding the penalty amount until the outcome of a tax appeal that may be filed.”

“From the district court’s judgment, it is clear that the appellant was at least negligent in preparing the self-report submitted. Although there was a defect in the form of the tax assessor ‘waiting’ for the court’s ruling, hoping it would allow him to impose a higher deficiency penalty if the court reached conclusions enabling this under the conditions set out in Section 191 of the Ordinance. It would have been better if things had been handled differently, but this does not change the outcome.”

In this ruling, the discussion brought before the court remedied the harm caused to Yayinot Bitan by denying the right to appeal granted to taxpayers concerning the deficiency penalty. However, this is not a solution for all taxpayers, as the right to appeal an assessment is provided not only to present their arguments but also to limit or resolve disputes with the tax authority outside the court. In this specific case, it is difficult to see how arguments in a separate appeal process would have overturned the conclusion that Yayinot Bitan was negligent. Therefore, the court did not support Yayinot Bitan’s arguments for canceling the penalty. However, it is implied that in other cases, the result might differ, and a flawed process related to the deficiency penalty might affect its outcome and even lead to its cancellation under certain circumstances.

Our office has extensive experience and expertise in managing tax assessment procedures. Recently, we have encountered more cases where the tax authority’s conduct has impaired taxpayer rights, and an appropriate procedure was not followed regarding the deficiency penalty. Taxpayer rights in assessment procedures are very important and can be critical in some cases, as they affect the outcome of the procedure.

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Taxation of Compensation Under Section 197 of the Planning and Building Law Thu, 30 May 2024 13:03:55 +0000 This section reviews the cases in which a claim can be filed under this section, the type of mechanism it offers to address the decrease

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This section reviews the cases in which a claim can be filed under this section, the type of mechanism it offers to address the decrease in property value, the taxation of the compensation received under it, and the deadlines for filing such a claim.

What is Section 197?

Section 197 of the Planning and Building Law provides compensation to property owners who are harmed by a planning scheme that is not an expropriation. For example, the approval of a new zoning plan for a shopping center, road, or even residential areas. If the change in the plan is believed to cause a decrease in the value of the property, compensation can be claimed under this section. The right to claim is for the damage caused by the plan approved by the planning authorities.

The case law has established the formula for calculating the compensation for the property: the compensation is calculated by assessing the value of the property before the harmful plan and after it, with the resulting difference being the amount of compensation the owner is entitled to. Proper planning of the compensation path can save tax payments in certain cases.

Compensation Under Section 197:

The use of Section 197 is relatively limited, and local committees can offer alternative compensation mechanisms with different tax implications. Generally, compensation for the decrease in property value is not considered taxable income since it is not a sale of property or a sale of rights in property. Therefore, if you receive a notice of an approved plan that might reduce the value of your property, it is advisable to consult regarding the tax considerations arising from the transaction before reporting it.

“Section 197 of the law balances, as mentioned, between the property rights of the property owner and the public interest in the orderly and efficient operation of the planning authorities without creating a chilling effect that deters planning.” BRM 10212-16 Dali Dalya and 333 others v. Herzliya Local Planning and Building Committee.

Unlike expropriation, where compensation is given only for final changes in land use, the mechanism established in section 197 of the planning and building law.The use of the mechanism in section 197 of the planning and building law is intended to compensate the property owner and even the holder of rights in the property as a result of the plan’s impact. thus, compensation under section 197 makes the process quicker, simpler, and more economical compared to compensation given through expropriation.

In order to understand the tax implications arising from compensation under section 197 of the planning and building law, it is first necessary to classify the receipt as a source of income and then derive the tax from that classification. In many cases, it can be argued that this compensation is not subject to tax at all.

Section 197(a) of the Planning and Building Law

Section 197(a) of the Planning and Building Law grants the right to compensation for changes affecting real estate due to a plan by the local committee. However, not every planning change entitles compensation. Section 200 of the Planning and Building Law lists ten cases in which no compensation will be paid to the property owner, assuming the damage is “reasonable” (a term subject to interpretation).

Changes in Zoning and Land Use Conditions:

Israeli law also allows for other compensation mechanisms for these plans, such as the transfer of building rights, voluntary sale, and more. Recent rulings indicate that in situations where multiple different plans are approved for the same property, each eligible plan may be entitled to compensation individually under Section 197 or through other means prescribed by law. For example, Civil Appeal 1829-13 Vizhnitz Beit Yisrael and Damascus Eliezer Yeshiva v. Jerusalem Land Tax Administrator.

 When dealing with one plan or several plans affecting the same land, the following should be noted:

  • The plan cannot expire.
  • Compliance with the conditions of Section 200 of the Planning and Building Law, which stipulate the exceptions to compensation.
  • When multiple plans affect the same land, each plan’s compensation mechanism must be examined, as each has different tax implications.

Another important aspect is the statute of limitations for filing a compensation claim under Section 197, which is shorter and only three years. If you believe an approved plan affects the value of your property, you should examine the different compensation mechanisms and carefully consider the various ways to realize the compensation. Choosing alternative routes may impact the receipt of compensation under Section 197, so it is advisable to consult with experts to plan the compensation claim process and determine the best route to take.

Tax on Compensation Under the Planning and Building Law:

 According to the Tax Authority, compensation under Section 197 is subject to a tax rate of 25%-33%, depending on the circumstances. In our opinion, there is definitely a justification to argue that the compensation is not taxable at all.

So, what should you do?

Contact us as early as possible! We will coordinate with your lawyers and try to reach an agreement that allows for a tax exemption. Then, we will draft an opinion stating that the compensation for the property is tax-exempt and contact the Tax Authority to obtain approval, which you will then submit to the local authority or municipality. If you have already received the compensation and tax was withheld at the source, there is still action to be taken. In many cases, we have obtained substantial refunds from the Tax Authority.

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Resident of No Country Thu, 30 May 2024 12:56:22 +0000 Can a Person Be a Resident of No Country? This is an intriguing issue that has often reached the courts in the context of tax

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Can a Person Be a Resident of No Country?

This is an intriguing issue that has often reached the courts in the context of tax payments by citizens who have spent significant periods in other countries. As is known, each country has its own rules that determine who is considered a resident for tax purposes, and so does Israel. Now we will examine several case studies on the matter.

The Rafi Amit Case

One of the prominent rulings that brought the issue to the legal forefront is the 2017 Rafi Amit case.

The ruling dealt with an Israeli citizen, Rafi, who began earning money from online and international poker games. During the 2000s, Rafi spent a lot of time abroad but continued to file annual income reports in Israel. The issue reached the court due to disputes over the tax assessment and the required tax burden between the taxpayer and the tax assessor. Rafi claimed that he did not meet the day count presumption listed in the law, as in the year in question (2007) he was in Israel for only 30 days, and therefore he was not considered an Israeli resident. The tax assessor, on the other hand, argued that according to the “center of life” test, which is the main criterion in the law for determining residency, the taxpayer is indeed an Israeli resident.

 Individual Residency

Individual residency is defined in Section 1 of the Income Tax Ordinance. The section establishes two tests for determining a person’s residency:

  1. Days Test
  2. “Center of Life” Test

First, we need to examine the days test: Was the taxpayer in Israel for more than 183 days during the tax year, or 30 days during the tax year and more than 450 days during the tax year and the two preceding years? This test is a technical test that can be overridden by the “center of life” test, which examines where the taxpayer’s life is substantively centered.In the Rafi Amit case, the court found that the taxpayer was an Israeli resident for tax purposes based on the “center of life” test. One of Rafi’s arguments against being an Israeli resident was that in 2007 (the year in question), he was not a resident of any country. This argument did not support his case; in fact, it strengthened the tax assessor’s position. The court noted that while the Income Tax Ordinance does not require a person to be a resident of any country, it focuses on Israeli residency. A taxpayer’s claim to be a resident of another country supports their argument for severing residency ties. Since Rafi did not claim residency in another country but rather that he was not a resident anywhere, he did not meet the burden of disproving the “center of life” test, leading the court to rule that his center of life was in Israel.

We see that according to tax laws, it is not possible for a taxpayer to be a resident of no country. Not only do the days tests determine the taxpayer’s residency, but also the “center of life” test, which is broader and includes additional and different considerations, such as social and economic interests, the location of other family members, and so forth.

The court’s rulings express its position regarding the severance of residency: A prolonged stay abroad does not nullify the connection to Israel (as long as it concerns an Israeli citizen/resident). In other words, it does not necessarily indicate an intention to sever residency, and in the absence of such indication, the court will not consider the taxpayer as having ceased to be an Israeli resident.

Bar Refaeli Case

The Rafi Amit ruling also set a precedent in the Bar Refaeli case, where she was accused of tax evasion on her earnings. During her tax evasion trial for the years 2009-2010, the famous model argued in the Tel Aviv District Court that due to her work as an international model, which involved constant travel around the globe, she did not have a center of life for tax purposes in any country. She claimed that she visited dozens of countries and took more than a hundred flights a year, and therefore her lifestyle suited a person without tax residency.

During the years in question, 2009-2010, Refaeli paid taxes in the United States, but only on her US-sourced income. She did not report or pay taxes on her income from other countries. Since Refaeli was not considered a US resident for tax purposes at that time (as she did not live there for more than 183 days), the question arose – where was she considered a tax resident?

Judge Bornstein of the Tel Aviv District Court was not convinced that Refaeli’s degree of separation from Israel qualified as non-residency and ruled that her ties to Israel during those years defined her as an Israeli resident for tax purposes.

Can a Person Be a “Resident of No Country”?

In both rulings, the judges who addressed the claims of being a resident of no country for tax purposes did not accept the appellants’ arguments. However, they avoided making a principled ruling on the matter and only discussed it theoretically.

Judge Harry Kirsch of the District Court, who ruled in the Rafi Amit case, stated that in a legal-formal aspect, rare cases could exist where a person is not considered a resident of any country. He provided an example of a person living on a yacht, sailing from place to place without a permanent base. Kirsch emphasized the economic-social concept of the importance of determining residency. He explained that the state budget is primarily funded by taxes paid by residents living in the country and consuming the public services it provides. In Amit’s case, he ruled that Amit had not proven that his connections to each country were so weak that he did not substantially consume public services provided by the state.

In Amit’s appeal to the Supreme Court, Judge Neal Hendel addressed the discussed question and noted that the ordinance does not necessarily state that a person cannot be a resident of any country. However, he avoided directly addressing it because the issue in Rafi Amit’s case was whether Amit was an Israeli resident or not.

In the discussion of Bar Refaeli’s case in the District Court, the question of whether a person can be without residency was not discussed.

Judge Bornstein referred to the yacht story from the Rafi Amit ruling and determined that Bar Refaeli is not a person who sails from port to port on a yacht without a permanent base. He argued that although her frequent travels could be likened to a yacht, she still has a permanent home port to which she returns and benefits from the public services it provides.

Non-Residency for Tax Purposes

We see that the issue of non-residency for tax purposes in any country is a complex and intricate matter that has not yet received a definitive ruling. Theoretically, it may be possible, but the distance from the theoretical-legal level to practical rulings on the matter is vast. It is clear that not every prolonged stay abroad, no matter how long, indicates an intention to sever residency. Those wishing to sever residency or engage in activities abroad must thoroughly understand the various tax considerations and the cases in which they will still be liable for taxes in Israel according to residency rules. Therefore, it is advisable for someone seeking to sever residency to consult a professional who can represent them properly in this process to avoid future problems.

Additionally, it should be emphasized that there is an intention to legislate that the days test is a conclusive presumption that cannot be contested. Even in the case of someone who moves their residence and/or business abroad and wishes to maintain their residency or hold dual residency, it must be done professionally. Incorrect residency planning can lead to a “tax accident” where the individual is liable for taxes in two different countries, resulting in significant losses.

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Classification of Rental Income as Business Income Wed, 29 May 2024 09:10:54 +0000 Classification of Rental Income as Passive or Business Income According to case law, income is generally classified as business income when it results from substantial,

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Classification of Rental Income as Passive or Business Income

According to case law, income is generally classified as business income when it results from substantial, ongoing, cyclical, and systematic activity, and its generation requires personal effort. When the rental is classified as business rental, the tax rate will be the marginal tax rate only, and it is not possible to ### There are auxiliary tests to determine whether the income is fruit (ordinary) income or capital income.

If most of the tests indicate fruit income, the rental will be classified as business rental:

  • Nature of the Asset Test: Retail has a more commercial nature than real estate.
  • Scope of the Transaction Test: The larger the scope of the transaction, the more likely the income will be recognized as business income.
  • Frequency Test: Higher frequency will lean towards fruit income. For example, in the case of apartments with partners where there is a higher turnover of tenants, etc.
  • Involvement and Activity Test: The more involvement and activity, the more likely it will be fruit income.
  • Expertise Test: Expertise and knowledge will lean towards fruit income.
  • Financing Test: Usually, long-term external financing leads to the definition of a capital transaction compared to short-term independent financing.
  • Holding Period Test: A short holding period indicates business activity.
  • Improvement Test: The more improvement or attempts at improvement, the more it is a characteristic of business and entrepreneurship.
  • Circumstances Test: The most comprehensive and important test! Ultimately, the court weighs all the indications and decides whether, in light of all the factual indications, it is reasonable to determine that it is a recurring and ongoing business activity or passive activity.

Our office has extensive experience with cases where the tax authority disputed the attribution of income and determined it was business income. In many cases, it is advisable to obtain an opinion on this matter in advance to reduce criminal and civil exposure to claims by the Tax Authority.

Cases Leshem and Biran; the Tax Authority’s Position – Indication of the Number of Assets

In the Leshem case, the classification of rental income received by two brothers from renting over twenty properties they owned, most of which were residential apartments, was discussed. In the Biran case, the classification of rental income received by a lawyer engaged in real estate from renting more than twenty residential apartments was discussed. The main question in these rulings was whether it was business income or passive rental income. In such cases, one could choose the 10% tax path or the partial exemption. The court ruled that the rental income received by the taxpayers should be considered business income subject to tax under Section 2(1) of the Ordinance and not passive income. Consequently, the provisions of Section 122 of the Ordinance do not apply to the rental income they earned.

The renewal in these rulings is the greater emphasis on the scope of the assets over other auxiliary tests. This effectively determines that renting out more than 5-10 apartments constitutes an indication of business income and shifts the burden of proof to anyone claiming otherwise.

Additional Considerations According to These Rulings:

  • A broad scope of rental income will lean towards classifying the income as business income.
  • -When the landlord’s rental income is higher than their other income, the management mechanism of the rental activity, such as marketing and collection, will lean towards classifying it as business income.
  • The shorter the rental period, the more it will lean towards classifying the income as business income.
  • The tests should be considered cumulatively, with greater weight given to the asset quantity test.

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