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Website Accessibility Statement

Website Accessibility Statement

Nimrod Yaron & Co. makes every effort and invests significant resources to provide all of our customers with equal, dignified, accessible, and professional service. In addition, we continuously strive to make our site accessible to create equal opportunities on the Internet for people with various disabilities and those who use different assistive technologies when browsing.

The following are our firm’s building accessibility arrangements:

Our office is located at 7 Menachem Begin Street, Ramat Gan, Gibor Sport House, 33rd floor.

  • Disabled parking spaces are available in the Gibor Sport House parking lot (for a fee).
  • There is a continuous access from the parking lot through the parking lot elevators to the ground floor and up to our office (including two additional elevators – transferring at the Sky Lobbyon the 29th floor and changing the elevator).
  • Accessible toilets for individuals with disabilities are located near the entrance to the office.
  • Identification and directional signs are displayed.
  • Service animals assisting people with disabilities are allowed in the office.
  • Our call center is accessible – the voice response is clear, and there is no background music.

Contact Measures:

  • Email:
  • Inquiry by mail: For Nimrod Yaron & Co., Menachem Begin 7, Ramat Gan 5268102

Website Accessibility Information

Our website conforms to the recommendations of the Israeli standard (SI 5568) and the AA level content accessibility guidelines, including the recommendations of the WCAG 2.0 document published by the international organization W3C, which sets Internet standards

The adjustments made to the site were tested using the most common browsers: Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. For pleasant and optimal browsing with screen reading software, we recommend usingNVDA software in the latest version.

In addition, the site is adapted for use on mobile phones.

In order to make the site accessible to people with disabilities, we performed numerous adjustments, including:

  • use of appropriate visual contrast between text color and background color;
  • creating a noticeable and clear visual change when hovering over the clickable elements appearing on the site;
  • obtaining a prominent focus that includes a clear frame when navigating the site using the keyboard;
  • convenient and simple site structure for operation using the mouse and keyboard;
  • Adding a complete and detailed site map that includes all the pages of the site for better and easier orientation;
  • Allows you to quickly move to the main content on the page when you presstheTab key.

We made the following adjustments to the site for users who utilize screen reading software

  • Providing suitable alternative text for images on the site;
  • Using detailed and clear headings that align with the information below them;
  • Assigning appropriate and clear labels to the contact form on the site;
  • Implementing the Aria Label command to adapt the various site components for screen reading software.

Ms. Ira Suvorov serves as our company’s Accessibility Coordinator. For further inquiries, questions, clarifications, suggestions for improvement, or special requests regarding the accessibility of the website and the office, you can contact her through the following means:

Phone: 03-7795444


Accessibility statement updated on 11/07/2024

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