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Israel – Italy Tax Treaty

ישראל - איטליה אמנת מס

Israel – Italy Tax Treaty

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1.9 million

Recent news

Special Tax Regime Clarified for Returning Interns
On July 15, 2024 the Italian Revenue Agency recently issued Answer No. 152/2024, explaining the special tax regime for individuals returning to Italy for internships. It follows the case of an Italian taxpayer who lived and worked in Germany from May 2020 to August 2023 before enrolling at an Italian university and receiving a monthly EUR 2,500 internship allowance. He inquired about eligibility for a special tax regime. The Tax Agency clarified that the regime's benefits are intended for income from work activities in Italy by individuals who transfer their tax residence there. However, income from training activities is excluded, and since the internship was part of his academic training and not a work relationship, the special regime did not apply to him.
VAT Refunds for Nonresidents Clarified
On July 11,2024 the Italian Revenue Agency issued Answer No. 147/2024, providing guidance on VAT refunds for nonresidents. The case followed the case of a German company that received invoices from Italian suppliers with VAT applied at the standard rate of 22%. Although the taxpayer had not submitted a declaration, they wanted to know the correct procedure for obtaining a refund for the VAT surplus from passive operations. The Tax Agency clarified that a taxpayer cannot recover the specified VAT surplus when the deadlines for doing so have passed. Additionally, the Agency affirmed that the right to retroactively attribute the specified VAT number is only possible if done within a reasonable time from the date of the first purchase transaction.
Ministry Extends Labor Cost Deduction Benefits
The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance recently announced the increase of the tax period’s labor cost deductions beyond December 31st, 2023. According to the new rules, the businesses will benefit from a deduction of 20% from the costs of hiring new permanent employees and an additional 10 % for those who need more protection. In order for the businesses to benefit from these deductions it is required for them to have been operating for at least one year before the relevant tax period.
Flat-Rate Deductions for Haulers Now Available
On June 10, 2024 the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance announced a flat-rate deduction for haulers in 2024. According to the new rules, entrepreneurs who personally handle transport outside their company's municipality can claim a 48-euro (US$51) deduction for undocumented expenses from the 2023 tax period. Additionally, for transport within the municipality, entrepreneurs can receive a tax relief amounting to 35 percent of the deduction for transport outside the municipality.
New 26% Flat Tax on Short-Term Property Rentals Introduces
Recently, the Italian Revenue Agency released Circular No. 10/E, detailing measures concerning short-term property leasing. The directive specifies a 26% flat tax rate on certain short-term lease contracts, a 21% withholding tax rate for real estate intermediaries and managers of specific electronic portals, and the obligations for non-resident intermediaries.
The Tax Agency Releases Guidance on Describing Substitute Tax Options for CFCs
Recently, the Italian Revenue Agency published Provision No. 213637/2024, which clarifies the substitute tax option for controlled foreign companies (CFCs). The guidance addresses key topics such as relevant definitions, the areas where the substitute tax option can be applied, and the procedures for opting in or revoking it. This provision it also outlines the conditions for terminating the option's effectiveness and provides a framework for calculating net accounting profits, subject to a 15% substitute tax rate. Moreover, it it outlines how subsidiary profits are taxed and the impact of using the substitute tax option on tax value monitoring.

Italy-Israel relations

Full diplomatic relations were established with Italy upon the establishment of the state in 1948. The Chamber of Commerce between the two countries was established in 1955 and received official recognition in 1993, facilitating the development of trade relations between the two nations. Over the years, relations have gradually strengthened, and numerous agreements have been signed to promote cooperation in various fields. Italy has become Israel’s seventh largest trading partner in the world and third largest in Europe. Additionally, Israel and Italy maintain broad military, economic, educational, and scientific-technological ties.

Details about Israel’s embassy in Italy

Address: Via Michele Mercati 14, 00197, Rome
Phone: 636198586(0)+39
Website: Click Here
Email: | 

Details about Italy embassy in Israel

Address:25 Hamered St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, 6812508
Phone: 03-5301901
Website: Click Here

Business activity in Italy

Italy offers a dynamic and diverse business environment, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and companies. The country has a strong industrial base, particularly in sectors such as fashion, automotive, manufacturing, and design. Additionally, with a consumer market boasting a population of over 60 million people, Italy provides businesses with a significant customer base, offering potential growth and profitability opportunities.

Italy’s strategic location in the heart of Europe positions it as a gateway to other European markets, making it an ideal base for businesses looking to expand their operations within Europe. However, it is important to note that Italy has its own unique regulatory and bureaucratic procedures that businesses need to navigate. Understanding the local business culture, seeking appropriate legal and financial advice, and building relationships with local partners can greatly improve the chances of success for businesses operating in Italy.

A number of agreements were signed between Israel and Italy

  1. Convention on Social Insurance (National Insurance)
  2. Conventions for cooperation agreements in the fields of economy, employment, water and more.
  3. Convention for the Prevention of Double Taxation.

Convention on Social Insurance

In 2015, a treaty on social insurance came into effect between Israel and Italy, aiming to prevent double social security coverage for individuals in both countries.

Double Tax Treaty between Israel and Italy

The initial tax treaty between Israel and Italy was signed in 1968. In 1995, a new treaty was signed, which became effective on January 1, 1999. The primary objective of the treaty is to eliminate double taxation on income and to prevent tax evasion and avoidance. Israel and Italy are committed to developing optimal economic solutions for the benefit of both nations and their citizens.

Applicability of the MLI and its Impact on the Bilateral Treaty

Both Israel and Italy signed the multilateral treaty in 2017. However, while Israel ratified the treaty, making it effective from January 1, 2019, Italy has not yet ratified it. Once the Italian government ratifies the treaty, the Multilateral Convention (MLI) will automatically modify the existing treaty between Israel and Italy.

Single residency for tax purposes

An individual is considered a resident of Italy for tax purposes if at least one of the following conditions is met for a period of time greater than half of the tax period:

  1. The individual is registered in the local population registers.
  2. The individual has their main center of life in Italy, such as a place of business or primary interests.
  3. The individual has a residence in Italy.

Company residency for tax purposes

A company is deemed a resident of Italy for tax purposes if its place of incorporation, registered seat, or place of management is directly located in Italy.

Tax regime in Italy

Italy’s tax authority is called the Agenzia delle Entrate.

Individual income tax: Progressive 23-43%

Corporate income tax: 24%

VAT: 22%

Capital gains tax: 19%


Tax rate in internallaw in Italy

Tax Rate in Internal Law in Israel

Tax withholding in accordance with the treaty

Personal income tax (tax brackets)




Corporate income tax




Capital gains tax rate for individuals


25%-30% (plus exceptional income tax for those with 3% higher incomes)


Branch tax




Tax withholding



0% / 26%

25% or 30%



Reduced dividend ratebetween companies with a substantial holdingof over 10%-25%


0% / 26%




0% / 26%



Exemption – Copyright (except film and television)





Inheritance tax




 Inheritance and estate tax

Inheritance tax in Italy ranges from 0% to 8% and varies according to proximity to the deceased.

There is an exemption for the children and the spouse of the deceased for inheritance up to one million euros, and above this amount the tax rate is 4%. The brother of the deceased and his relatives up to the fourth degree will pay 6% for properties with a value above one hundred thousand euros. Those with a connection farther away from this will pay 8%.

Transfer prices

The legislation in Israel regarding transfer prices appears in section 85A of the Tax Ordinance (New Version), 5721-1961, and the Income Tax Regulations (Determination of Market Conditions) – 5766-2006 (the Regulations).

In the field of transfer prices, Italy bases its guidelines on OECD guidelines. Similar to Israel, in Italy, the taxpayer must indicate, when submitting the report to the tax authorities, that there is transfer pricing work in accordance with the Italian income tax regulations. If such work does not exist, the taxpayer will not have protection from fines.

In Italy, Local File, Master File, and CBCR (Country-by-Country Report) must be submitted in compliance with the conditions specified in the Italian income tax regulations. In November 2020, Italy updated the requirements and clauses that the Local File and Master File must accommodate.

Transfer prices in Italy are regulated by internal legislation. For information on transfer prices in Italy, click here. Our office has carried out many transfer pricing works involving companies in Italy, and we will be happy to assist you as well.

Click here for more information on transfer prices in general, and for information on transfer prices in Israel in particular,here.


Moving to a new country can be daunting, but for Israelis moving to Italy, moving can be made easier by the presence of vibrant Jewish communities across the country. Most Israelis who move to Italy settle in cities like Rome, Milan and Florence, which have established Jewish communities with synagogues, community centers and cultural organizations.

These communities offer a variety of services and resources to help Israelis and other Jewish immigrants make a smooth transition to life in Italy. Thus, many Jewish communities offer language classes and cultural events that can help new immigrants integrate into Italian society and understand the local culture. In addition, these communities can provide a sense of community and support for Israelis who may be far from their families and friends in Israel.

Of course, as with any move to a new country, there are also practical considerations that need to be taken into account. Such as obtaining visas and paperwork necessary to establish residency in the country.  Due to the complexity of relocation, it is recommended to consult with experts in the field in order to ensure the softest landing. Contact us, and we will be happy to arrange an introductory meeting with you.

Real Estate

Italy is a popular destination for real estate investments. Many investors from around the world, as well as from Israel, are showing increasing interest in the Italian real estate market, with many Israeli companies and individuals already investing in properties throughout the country. The Italian real estate market offers attractive opportunities for investors, with a wide range of properties available at competitive prices. Moreover, Italy’s tourism industry is very strong, so investing in properties located in popular tourist destinations can provide strong rental returns.

Purchase tax in Italy depends on several variables, and ranges from 2% to 10% of the value of the property or the transaction price. When purchasing (new) real estate from a registered company, the tax on the purchase of a first home is 4%, and the tax on the purchase of a secondary home is 10%. The tax on the purchase of a luxury home is high – 22%. It should be noted that there is no tax liability in Israel for the purchase of real estate outside of Israel.

Money transfers from Israel to Italy

According to section 170(a) of the Income Tax Ordinance, most money transfers from Israel will require prior approval from the Tax Authority.

When advising on the transfer of money abroad, our firm not only addresses the issue of withholding tax but also handles the requirements imposed by foreign banks. This includes obtaining an accountant’s approval regarding the payment of taxes and examining additional actions necessary in light of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) – a uniform standard for the automatic exchange of financial information between countries. This exchange of information is facilitated first through the banks and then between the tax authorities of the respective countries.

It is worth noting that banks often impose challenges and high conversion fees when converting shekels to euros. Therefore, it is essential to seek consultation before initiating any fund transfers. For further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Types of business entities in Italy

  1. Limited liability company

Limited liability means that each owner’s liability is limited to cash or assets that he/she has contributed to the company.

In Italy there are two types of limited liability companies:

  • Società a responsabilità limitata or S.r.L. )-The most common format for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • A public limited liability company by shares (società per azioni or S.p.A. – Usually used by dealers or large corporations. Its establishment requires a minimum investment of 120,000 euros and at least one director.
  1. Partnerships
  • General Commercial Partnership (General Partnership or S.n.c. )

To establish this company, a minimum of two partners is required. All partners in this company are general members of the partnership and hold full responsibility and managerial responsibility.

  • Limited liability partnership (Limited partnership or S.a.s.)

The main conditions for the formation of this company are the same as for a general partnership. In this type of company at least one partner must be limited in his liability to the obligations of the partnership.

Tax incentives in Italy

In Italy, there are tax benefits available to individuals to attract talented people to work in the country:

  • Professors and researchers who transfer their tax residency to Italy will enjoy a reduced tax on income from employment in the field of research and study. They may be eligible for a 90% exemption for a period of 4 years.
  • “Foreign workers” can be entitled to a 50% exemption for 5 years if they transfer their residency to Italy, provided they hold a degree, have been studying, working, or self-employed for 24 months, and work in Italy.

Countries with which Italy has a double taxation treaty (DTA):











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